After the Gold Rush - The Complete First Arc -
After the Gold Rush - The Complete First Arc -
After the Gold Rush is a return to optimistic Science-Fiction. It follows Scout, the last scientist, as she returns to Earth to find it in a state of wilderness. She grew up on one of Saturn's moons, Titan, learning to become a biologist and a chemist. However, something went wrong and she has been in cryo-sleep for some time. Eventually, she lands on her ancestral home of Earth and instead of the Star Trek like utopia she was expecting...she encounters a lush and natural Earth.
I would say more...but you simply must read it for yourself.
Includes printed copies of After the Gold Rush #1-#5, and the “Science, it’s here to help Sticker”
Each Book is 22 pages, expect for After the Gold Rush #5 that is 32 pages!
Also includes the illustrated scientists page and pages from the web comic series!